Tech.Pass is a visa that allows established tech entrepreneurs, leaders or technical experts from around the world to come to Singapore to perform frontier and disruptive innovations.
The Tech.Pass aims to attract highly accomplished entrepreneurs, business leaders, or technical experts to Singapore and provides them with flexibility in participating in a variety of activities that can contribute to the tech ecosystem. For example, a pass holder could operate a business, while also being an investor, employee, consultant or director in one or more Singapore-based companies at any time. They can also mentor start-ups and lecture at local universities.
Key Features
The pass, which will be valid for two years in the first instance, allows the holder to concurrently perform any of the items listed below:
Start and operate one or more tech companies
Be an employee in one or more Singapore-based companies at any time
Transit between employers or to an entrepreneur
Be a consultant or mentor, lecture in local institutions of higher learning, or be an investor and director in one or more Singapore based companies
Sponsor stay for spouse, children, and parents in Singapore on either a Dependant’s Pass (DP) or a Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) issued by MOM
Legally married spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age, including those legally adopted, will be eligible for a DP issued by MOM. Common-law spouse, unmarried handicapped children above 21 years of age, unmarried stepchildren below 21 years of age, and parents will be eligible for a LTVP issued by MOM.
Renew for another two years, upon meeting renewal criteria
Existing Employment Pass (EP)/ Personalised Employment Pass (PEP)/ EntrePass Holders Applying for Tech.Pass
Existing EP, PEP, or EntrePass holders who meet the Tech.Pass criteria may apply if they also meet the prevailing eligibility or renewal criteria of their respective work passes.
Existing pass holders who wish to convert should consider whether they will require the flexibilities provided by the Tech.Pass. If their existing pass is sufficient for the activities that they undertake in Singapore, there is no need to convert to the Tech.Pass.
Eligibility Criteria
You do not need to secure employment in Singapore prior to application for Tech.Pass. Individuals can apply for the Tech.Pass without employer sponsorship. Applicants will be assessed based on their track record and prior experience in leading teams or developing a tech product. Tech.Pass holders will subsequently be able to utilize flexibilities accorded with the pass, such as starting and operating companies, being an investor, employee, consultant or director in one or more Singapore-based companies, mentoring start-ups or even conduct training in local institutions.
To be eligible for the pass, applicants must satisfy any two of the following conditions:
Criterion 1: Have a last drawn fixed monthly salary (in the last 1 year) of at least S$20,000, or its equivalent in a foreign currency. Candidates or business owners with annual income in excess of S$240,000 or its equivalent in a foreign currency will also be considered.
Documents to support
Applicant’s payslips for the past 3 months, or latest tax statements
Criterion 2: Have at least 5 cumulative years of experience in a leading role in a tech company with a valuation/market capitalisation of at least US$500mil or at least US$30mil funding raised.
Documents to support
Company valuation report, annual report or financial statements, with company valuation highlighted
Company funding data
Other documents indicating valuation, e.g. public sources such as Pitchbook or Crunchbase
Criterion 3: Have at least 5 cumulative years of experience in a leading role (e.g. made major contributions to the design, development, and/or deployment of a tech product) in the development of a tech product that has at least 100,000 monthly active users or at least US$100mil annual revenue.
Documents to support
Product Monthly Active Users reports
Screenshots of application download figures
Other documents indicating product monthly active users or revenue generated from such products (e.g. pitch document)
Renewal Criteria
To be eligible for a two-year renewal, the pass holder must
Have earned at least S$240,000 in assessable income based on the latest Notice of Assessment from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (can be made up of salaries and / or business income);
Demonstrate total annual business spending of at least S$100,000 and employ at least 1 local PME or 3 LQS.
Local PMEs refer to professionals, managers, and executives who are Singaporeans or Singapore Permanent Residents, earn a fixed monthly salary of at least S$3,900 and receive CPF contributions for at least 3 months. LQS refers to Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents who earn a monthly salary of at least S$1,400 and receive CPF contributions for at least 3 months.
AND At the time of renewal, be performing at least two of the following roles, at least one of which must be in Column (A):
Founded a company in Singapore, offering a tech-based or tech-enabled product or service
Served a leading role (e.g. CEO, CTO, APAC MD) in a Singapore-based tech company
Served a leading role in two or more Singapore-based tech companies
Employed in a technical role leading a team in a Singapore-based company, e.g. senior engineer or senior researcher leading a team in a particular tech field
Employed in a technical role leading a team in two or more Singapore-based companies
Served on Board of Directors of a Singapore-based company (need not necessarily be tech company)
Acted as advisor / mentor to a Singapore-based start-up
Served as professor / lecturer / adjunct professor / adjunct lecture in a Singapore Institute of Higher Learning (IHL)
Provided training in some form not covered by B2 or B3 above (e.g. workshops, corporate training classes).
Invested in one or more Singapore-based tech companies
Required documents for Tech.Pass application
Please make sure you have the following documents for your Tech.Pass application:
Travel document page showing applicant’s personal particulars.
Supporting documents.
[For dependants] Documents confirming your relationship with the DP/LTVP applicant (e.g. marriage certificate, etc.) and the DP/LTVP applicant's Verification of Vaccination Requirements document issued by HPB, if required.
Non-English documents must be accompanied by an English translation. The translation can be done by a translation service provider.
The pass is administered by the Singapore Economic Development Board.
Processing Timeline
It takes around 8 weeks to process Tech.Pass applications.
If approved, you will receive an in-principal approval (IPA) letter. The IPA gives you 6 months to come to Singapore and get the pass issued.
Fees Involved
The application fee is S$105 for each application.
Each pass (Main applicant/ Dependant's Pass (DP) form / Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)) is S$225.
Each Multiple Journey Visa, if applicable, is S$30.
Ready to Apply?
If you are interested in the Tech.Pass, you may reach out to Bestar here to be connected with the right people or resources to get started. Queries and interest on the Tech.Pass can be sent here.
