Name of Company: ABC PTE. LTD.
Tax Reference Number: 2012XXXXXC
Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) Filing
What is ECI
ECI is an estimate of your company's taxable profits (after deducting tax-allowable expenses) for a Year of Assessment (YA).
Determining if Your Company Needs to File ECI
Your company has to file ECI within 3 months from the end of your financial year unless:
Your company qualifies for the ECI filing waiver; or
Your company is specifically not required to file ECI.
Your company does not need to file ECI in any Year of Assessment (YA) when both criteria are met:
Annual revenue is $5 million or below for the financial year; and
ECI is nil for the YA. The ECI should be the amount before deducting the exempt amount under the partial tax exemption scheme or the tax exemption scheme for new start-up companies.
Please go to myTax Portal > Corporate Tax > File ECI to file the ECI by 30 Apr 202X. Refer to the IRAS website for more information.